I had been deriving nourishment from playing with color triads when a friend posted a Russian film poster on Fb that had the exact same colors. I asked her what it was and she told me it said, “The Third Wife of Mullah.” I searched and found references to a lost, silent film from 1928. The fact of being lost and silent while also being so bright and bold spoke to me of Echo.
Looking further I found the name of the designer, Iosif Gerasimovich, in a blog post by Rosie Milton from 2009.
“The story of the film, following the misadventure of a young woman in a man’s world was meant as a criticism of the lack of freedom for women in the East. Sadly the same was true of Soviet Russia, even though those in power seemed unaware of this. The Soviet woman was granted the ‘freedom’ to work alongside Soviet man, yet the inequality arose when man, coming home from work demanded to be fed and cared for, refusing to aid in other chores such as cleaning the house and caring for children and the elderly. These the Soviet woman had to manage, without complaint, because of this gift of ‘freedom’ that a life of communism had blessed her with.”
Our theme is Bold Silence, perhaps lost and found.